Single Minded for God's Purposes: Singles Conference

with Rev. Gordon Dalbey and Mary Dalbey, Ph. D.

I: Beyond Fear: Learning to Trust God

Our natural fears and cultural stereotypes against singles stir doubt that our needs will ever be met, and our shame compels us to strive after love. But God's love and grace endure forever.

II: Beyond Childhood: Leaving Mother: Cutting the Cord, Keeping the Commandment

How does the biblical exhortation to "leave father and mother" and "become one flesh: (Gen. 2:24) apply specifically to your mother? What are the differences between a mother-son bond and a mother-daughter bond, and how does this affect our relationships with the opposite sex later in life?

III: Beyond Lust: Developing Intimacy

Sexual intimacy is a life-bonding act; without the security of a life-binding covenant in marriage, eventually we manipulate and control each other, missing God's purposes for us. Being open with Him about our longing and frustrations prepares us to risk being known and accepted by another person. (I John 4:16-19)

IV: Beyond Ourselves: Serving Others

Our natural human state of aloneness becomes ingrown, narrow, and confining when it focuses only on your own needs. Serving others without seeking love or acceptance in return connects you to God's larger Kingdom purposes in your life (Galat. 5:13).