Son's of the Father: Men's Conference with Gordon Dalbey


Men who want to

  • get real with God and other men
  • let God focus your sexuality for his purposes
  • give your children all God has for you as their father
  • be free from the fear of not measuring up
  • discover your true heritage and destiny


To let Father God save us from our shame and lies with His grace and truth, and shape us for His purposes (Jn 1:17; Gal 4:6-7)


A three-part event (as Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon). Each session, two-to-three hours, includes worship, preaching, small-group interaction (questions provided), large-group Q & A followed by prayer/ministry.

#1: "Father & Son: The Roots of Manhood"

The lack of fathering, as prophesied in Malachi 4:5-6, has become a destructive epidemic in our time. Jesus came to heal this father-wound, by restoring relationship with the Father of all men. How can we cooperate with Him? (Jeremiah 3:19, Malachi 4:5-6, John 14: 1-11, Ephes 3:14)

#2: "Loving a Woman: Sexuality & Spirituality"

Without Dad's guidance and reassurance, a boy grows up feeling inadequate around girls. This shame later distorts his view of sexuality. What actually is sexual attraction? How does Father God mediate this powerful mystery in men and women to shape us for His purposes? (Genesis 2:18-25, Proverbs 30:18-19)

#3: "The Wolf Loves the Lone Sheep: Battling Together as Brothers"

Jesus--who is one with the Father--has promised to meet us where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name. How can we overcome our fear of each other, bond together as sons of the Father, and walk in victory together as brothers? (Gal 6: 1-3)

#4: "From Shame to Sonship" (if Sunday morning at men's retreat)

Shame, the great crippler of men, rises when we realize we can't measure up to God's standard. When we try to bear it ourselves, eventually we either hide it with lies or dump it onto others. Jesus, meanwhile, has borne our shame on the cross. How can we give our shame to Jesus, receive His grace and experience the overcoming dignity of sonship? (Romans 8:14-16)

Sunday Topics

Morning worship
“Naked but Not Ashamed: Man & Woman Trusting Each Other” Genesis 2:18-25

How does God bring a man and a woman together for His purposes? Why is it so hard for us to trust Him and each other? Husband, father, author, Gordon Dalbey speaks with a fresh perspective on this timeless yet compelling issue. Biblically based and down-to-earth, speaking with both disarming humor and powerful truth, he invites men and women to surrender to the Father, drop your guard with each other, and risk being loved as you are.

Evening Program
“Daughters of the Father: Healing the Father-Wound in Women” Jeremiah 8:18-22; Luke 8:40ff.

What does a girl need from her father? What happens to her later as a woman when she hasn't received it? For both men and women, this impacting sermon explores why it”s often hard for a man to maintain close relationship with his daughter, how God heals this father-wound in women, and the part men play in that healing.